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 Fairytale Endings

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3 participants
Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Mer 15 Jan - 15:30

Once upon a time, there was a young Prince. His eyes were grey like stormy skies and his hair was black like the night. All the ladies of the court whispered when he strode by, stance and gait as majestic as he was. He was an intellectual, a fighter and an orator, and the entire kingdom knew that he would make a fine king when he came to age. His name was Levi.

And that's where all the similarities with fairytale princes ended.

"I don't want to attend this shitty event," Levi swore under his breath as his governess rushed him towards the ballroom. "There are going to be sweaty nobles who cannot see past their own noses, haughty princes who think they will be king of the continent one day, and uneducated princesses who think that a flirty wink will get them places."

"Come now, your Highness, there will be ladies!" the older woman laughed heartily. "I am sure at least one will catch your attention."

"Hell if anybody in the whole damn place will catch my attention," Levi grumbled, servants rushing to get out of his way as he stomped down the lustrous hallway to the ballroom. He could already see some guests waiting for their escorts outside the room and a warning tap on his lower back by his governess made him stand up straight, and his frown melted into an impassible expression. He needed to be a prince, from now on, not Levi. Unfortunately sometimes, these two entities inside his body felt like two completely different people.

"Alright, enough brooding, Sire," the woman chuckled, stopping him in front of the elegant double doors and nodding at the guard, who nodded back and opened the door flap to order the guards inside to announce his arrival. "Go on, fix yourself up," she chided, fixing his collar and tugging on his shirt as he stood stock still, ready to make his appearance. "You look marvelous, my Prince."

"Thank you, governess."

"Good," she smiled, and began tearing away. "They're opening the doors. Look friendly now!"

"Announcing Prince Levi, Heir to the Throne of Stohess Country, his Royal Highness," the fanfare trumpeted, and the double doors opened, flooding him in light. The crowd inside stopped and the ones sitting stood up, a pathway opening for him from the door to the stage on which his parents were seated. Just as he had to do, Levi waited a moment before breaking into a regal stride.

The first thing he did as he entered the ballroom was glare murderously at the entire crowd.
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Jeu 16 Jan - 18:47

He had to travel all the way to Stohess, get dressed in his richest, most royal and most uncomfortable clothing, but most annoying of all, he had to attend this ball given by Prince Levi of Stohess.

Prince Jean of Trost could have been doing much more important things, such as… He would find those later. What he knew is that he was currently being “attacked” by a couple of noble ladies and princesses present at the party and he did not know how to push them away without hurting their feelings.

Jean has always been the kind to speak his mind, regardless of other people’s feelings. He simply valued honesty more than most people. Only thing was, his father had scolded him many times about his piercing words and thoughts. It was not dignified of a prince to be so openly harsh with words when it came to speaking with other nobles and especially, females. They were said to take offend easily. Though, Jean did not quite understand his father for scolding him or women in general for a fact, as they would still line-up for his love and attention although he had just spit the most horrible things about them.

Considering the sole purpose for his father to send him to Stohess was to find a bride for his awaiting coronation (and of course meet Prince Levi and maintain a courteous relationship to promise their countries alliance), Jean figured he would try to act as pleasant as possible to please the king of Trost, his father.

He was faking smiles here and there, tried to fake his laugh, make witty comments and jokes to make the girls laugh in return, but he couldn’t help dying of annoyance inside. These women were so stupid and annoyingly loud… And their laughs… Jean wanted to be killed on the spot.

Suddenly, the girls’ loud laughs died down when Prince Levi finally got announced and everyone turned to look at him sit down in his throne next to the king and queen of Stohess. Some people bowed, others clapped in their hands. Jean just stared. He was so tiny. Maybe it was just the perception of being so far away? The prince of Trost shrugged at his internal questions, and before he could even escape his “attackers”, they were already back on him, now commenting on how handsome prince Levi was! Squeeeaaaal! Oh but not as handsome as Jean was of course! The future king tried desperately not to roll his eyes or rub his temples at their high-pitched voices and on going praises. Though he was annoyed, he could not help to smile to himself when they mentioned he was personally handsome. He knew that already, but loved being told.

Dernière édition par Jean Kirschtein le Jeu 16 Jan - 20:16, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 138
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Jeu 16 Jan - 19:36

Eren aurait préféré ne pas être là. Entouré de tous ces lèches-bottes, il se sentait hors de son élément, préférant ses journées tranquilles dans son jardin immense, ses voyages ou même ses visites chez son ami le plus proche, le prince Kirschtein, même si celui-ci pouvait être un vrai imbécile. C’était à se demander comment les deux pouvaient être aussi proches avec des opinions parfois si différentes et arrêtées. Et bien… il fallait bien quelqu’un dans l’entourage de Jean pour lui ramener les pieds sur terre et lui faire voir quand il agissait comme un imbécile, chose que le trois quart des nobles à cet événement n’oseraient jamais faire, craignant pour leur vie sociale.

Accompagné de sa fidèle femme Mikasa, Eren se promenait dans le hall en cherchant des yeux son meilleur ami. Heureusement que celle-ci était là, sinon cela ferait belle lurette qu’il aurait arrêté d’essayer d’être civilisé. De toute manière, Eren n’avait pas besoin de faire beaucoup d’efforts, tous le connaissaient uniquement parce qu’il était le fils der Marquis von Jaëger. Ce titre lui permettait de se glisser dans chaque évènement organisé par la royauté et de tenir compagnie à Jean. La seule raison de sa survie dans ces soirées était surement la présence de Mikasa, même si elle n’était pas tellement plus sociable que lui. Ensemble, lorsque personne ne pouvait les entendre, ils pouvaient essayer d’oublier le fait qu’ils étaient entourés de snobs qui ne connaissaient rien à la vie en dehors de leur petite zone de confort. Malgré tout, et pour conserver leurs privilèges dans cette société pathétique, les deux faisaient de gros efforts pour socialiser avec les autres nobles (la plupart d’entre eux, surtout attirés par la beauté exotique de Mikasa).

En fait, le plus grand plaisir d’Eren lors de ces soirées était de voir Jean essayer de se démerder et fuir les croqueuses de diamants qui le suivaient pendant des heures et lui demandaient de danser à chaque cinq minutes pour avoir son attention. Ce que c’était hilarant de le voir essayer de repousser leurs avances! Même Mikasa devait avouer que regarder Jean, en connaissant sa «situation» était une activité bien marrante. Après plusieurs minutes à le regarder de loin en riant discrètement, Eren s’excusa auprès de sa femme et l’embrassa doucement, les joues rouges. Il la laissa bavarder avec d’autres femmes, dont les maris pourraient devenir leurs prochains partenaires d’affaires, et se dirigea lentement vers Jean avec un sourire plaqué sur le visage. Bien sûr, Mikasa se fichait éperdument d’obtenir les plus récents potins et de participer à ce genre d’activités sociales, mais c’était le prix à payer pour faire partie de l’élite, et de son côté, Eren devait jouer les preux chevaliers et sauver le prince Jean. Arrivant derrière le groupe de jupons excités, Eren se glissa entre elles en appelant son ami.

«Prince Kirschtein! Enfin, vous voilà! Votre présence est attendue mon ami! Le prince Levi désire faire votre connaissance! Je suis sûr que ces… jolies demoiselles comprendront!» proposa Eren en lançant des regards se voulant convaincants et charmeurs aux jeunes dames. Celles-ci soupirèrent et partirent vers une autre victime en promettant au prince qu’elles lui réserveraient une danse (ce qu’Eren trouva excessivement drôle). L’une d’entre elle s’essaya même sur Eren, mais en voyant le regard de Mikasa non loin d’eux, changea rapidement d’avis. Une fois, hors du champ de vision de la femme qui lui avait fait des avances, Eren souffla un baiser à Mikasa en arborant un sourire espiègle.

«Alors Jean, on s’amuse à ce que je vois?» lança Eren en passant son bras autour de l’épaule de son ami plus grand que lui. «Qu’est-ce que tu ferais sans moi, hen? J’ai bien hâte de te voir à la tête de ton royaume!» ria Eren en l’entraînant ailleurs. «Viens, mon cher, allons boire à la santé de ce fameux prince Levi!»
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Jeu 16 Jan - 20:04

Jean once again faked a laugh after this quite large brunette had said something not the least funny, but it was already better than anything he had heard that evening, although the event was only starting. Then, he heard a voice he never thought liking so much. He looked up in anticipation to see his best friend make his way to them, motioning to the princesses important business, making them leave. The prince could not have been more relieved and happy. He smiled broadly to his smaller friend, letting himself being walked over to a big table with many delicacies and a golden fountain of what seemed to carry wine.

Jean sighed, but smiled. "I am going to be an amazing king. Fighting off these women while trying to remain polite is harder than governing a country..." One of the many servants around the table in question approached both nobles and offered a luxurious cups of wine to each. Jean smiled and took one. He looked in the direction of the royals sitting in their throne. "Now I have to meet this prince am I right? Hey, is it me or he is incredibly short? And extremely unhappy..." He sipped his wine staring at the prince in question. He then decided to around the room as the dark haired prince's mood was making him slightly uncomfortable. There were so many people. It was quite a nice event when Jean "attackers" weren't around.

"Thank you by the way. I owe you one."
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Jeu 16 Jan - 20:33

Regally striding across the ballroom decorated richly for the occasion, Levi parted the sea of people and ascended the steps to his throne. It was smaller than that of the King's and Queen's, but he knew that someday, he would be the one in the largest throne, and he wasn't sure how to handle the thought. He'd been trained for this, though, so he sat with his back straight, legs uncrossed, and hands in his lap. The first few people who lined up to greet him began coming up the steps.

"An honour to meet you, Prince."

Pleasantries, all of it.

"What a wonderful party."

Dead eyes and dead smiles. Levi didn't even bother returning them.

"Thank you for your kind invitation."

He hated it here.

"Perhaps I will have the honour of seeing you meet my daughters tonight?"

Oh yes, the most despicable of all. He was here to find a bride, a future queen for Stohess, and god, did he not want to deal with any of this shit right now.

"Yes, thank you for coming," he grunted as politely as possible, waving off the nobles and royals as quickly as they came. Nobody in this room was worthy of his attention, it seemed. Nobody he'd met yet, in any case.
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Messages : 138
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Ven 17 Jan - 0:00

Offrant un large sourire au domestique lui tendant le plateau couvert de coupes de vin, Eren s’en pris un avec joie. Vraiment, les spiritueux étaient ce qui rendait ces soirées supportables et parfois même cocasse, surtout lorsque Jean et lui abusaient de ce luxe. C’était peut-être pour ça que Mikasa surveillait de près leurs consommations. Quelqu’un devait bien être mature parmi eux. Mais pour l’instant, elle était bien occupée à essayer de ne pas s’endormir en écoutant les ragots des autres femmes… la pauvre. C’était une bonne nouvelle pour Eren qui pourrait en profiter pour boire quelques gorgées rapidement… ou quelques verres s’il était assez subtil. Avalant rapidement le liquide sucré, Eren écouta distraitement Jean, étant surtout occupé à vérifier que Mikasa ne le voyait pas se servir un autre verre de vin.

«Ce serait la moindre des choses si tu ne veux pas passer pour un radin ou un prince impertinent. Tu sais à quel point les rumeurs vont vite! Si tu n’y vas pas avant la fin de la soirée, la moitié de cette salle le saura et te dévisagera jusqu’au prochain scandale!» marmonna Eren en se servant quelques canapés dans le buffet. À la mention de l’humeur du prince, Eren se retourna pour en juger par lui-même, la bouche pleine.

«Il est où? Je ne le vois p- OH c’est le nain avec un air meurtrier là-bas?» s’enquit Eren réalisant un peu trop tard qu’il avait insulté l’hôte royal. Il regarda autour de lui pour vérifier que personne ne l’avait entendu, puis il soupira de soulagement en constatant que ses paroles n’avaient pas été saisies par son entourage. «Enfin bon…Ce n’est rien. Ne dis simplement pas à Mikasa que tu m’as vu boire quelques verres de vin…. Tu devrais aller voir le prince… je vais te rejoindre après avoir pris un autre -» commença Eren tendant son bras vers le buffet pour se servir un autre verre de vin. Il fut toutefois interrompu par Mikasa qui apparut derrière lui, lui prenant la main en silence pour l’empêcher de se resservir. Alors que son sang se glaçait dans ses veines, Eren croisa le regard de Mikasa et il n’en fallut pas plus pour comprendre le message, même si son regard semblait calme et neutre. Embarrassé, Eren se retourna vers Jean et lui sourit nerveusement.

«Ouais… je te rejoins plus tard… si on ne m’a pas assassiné d’ici là» blagua Eren laissant Jean aller voir le prince, ayant une tâche plus ardue de son côté : essayer de continuer de boire sans mettre en colère Mikasa.

Dernière édition par Eren Jaeger le Ven 17 Jan - 9:22, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Ven 17 Jan - 0:43

Jean groaned as Eren mentioned "rumors". God yes did these circulated fast and with exaggeration. His friend was right.. He had to face the royal hosts. Besides, he did not go through all the troubles of travelling and getting into his uncomfortable clothing for nothing. He looked at the prince back when Eren was looking for him and tried to control his fit of laughter at the brunette's loud and obnoxious insult of the prince. He held his hand over his mouth, also looking around them worried for anyone to have heard the Marquess or saw the prince of Trost laugh so impolitely and without dignity. He sighed in relief at the same time Eren did and smiled at him, ready to give one of his witty comments, but the brunette's exotic, beautiful, but scary wife appeared out of no where, making himself jump a bit in fear and surprise.

He waved at Eren and laughed a bit while the other was almost getting dragged away by the Orient beauty. His friend gone of sight, Jean's smile faded and he sighed before finishing the content of his cup. He turned around determined and with a confident posture, and finally made his way to the court's stage to meet the royal family of Stohess. He made sure to smile at everyone who would smile at him or seemed be wanting to start a conversation, but he simply passed them, motioning he had more important things to do for the moment.

Arrived in front of the royal family, people recognizing him obviously gave him the honour of stepping before them to bow in front of the royals.

"Prince Jean of the country of Trost, your highness" the announcer who was standing nearby informed the royal family.

Jean got back to a standing position and simply smiled charismatically, especially to the prince, as he was trying desperately not to show how intimidated he was of the other's glare. Though, now that he was closer and was looking right in the other's eyes, he noticed how handsome the prince was (despite his height hehehe). His grim features and aura were intriguing and mysterious.

"Pleased to make you acquaintances, Milady and my lords," he finally answered, keeping his charismatic smile, but averting his eyes from the prince to finally look at the king and queen.
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Ven 17 Jan - 0:57

Another one hinting that he should marry his daughter. Another wishing him healthy relations between their houses in the future. Another complimenting him emptily on the sumptuousness of his party. God, did these strings of people never end? He would surely go crazy if he had to greet the entire throng of people waiting for him at the steps of the stage. Sometimes, he wondered what it would have been like to be born to a poor peasant family. Maybe he would be hungry, perhaps he'd be cold, but he sure as hell wouldn't be as murderous as he was now.

The masses began to mumble, and Levi closed his eyes for a moment, resting his addled brain. He wondered if it was acceptable to take his leave 15 minutes after he arrived. And then, he threw a look to his mother, who shook her head indulgently at him, and he knew that there was no way out. He may as well keep going, then. Motioning to the announcer to let forward the next person, he unabashedly rubbed his forehead as the person came up the steps.

The person in front of whom he so shamelessly rubbed his frown lines turned out to be the Prince of Trost, and Levi immediately snapped to attention. His parents had spoken to him long and hard about Trost. It had been an enemy kingdom during the Endless War, and now, since both kingdoms had natural resources that were heavily lacking in the other, they were seeking to create lasting bonds through which they could import and export surpluses. Levi could not fuck this up. Not with this guy.

"Greeting, Prince of Trost," he answered him, standing up for the first time. His temples throbbed when he realized that he was at least half a head shorter than him, but he immediately set his mind to "Prince" mode, leaving "Human" mode behind. "I, Prince Levi of Stohess, formally welcome you to our first ever International Peace Ball, and wish you a wonderful enjoyment." He gulped down, ready to wave him off, and then, on a whim, he added. "Please, if there is anything you would require from us, please feel free to inquire."
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 19:29

Jean was surprised at the other prince's sudden change of character when he addressed himself to him. Though he quickly realized that the Prince of Stohess might have been reminded the same thing he was told by his own father, the King.

The taller prince smiled once more. "Well thank you very much for your invitation. This is a very nice event. Though, if you do not mind me asking, is there something troubling you? With all my respect, you do not seem too well."

Had he heard, this party was not only for himself to find a bride and to maintain peace in his kingdom, but so was it Prince Levi's job as well. Jean was not too thrilled of finding a potential woman to marry, but at least he tried. The shorter prince did not seem thrilled at all about anything, but maybe it was simply his personality? Jean had yet to discover.
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 20:12

That was surprising. Levi quickly filed through the 'Rules of Royalty' that he had been spoon-fed throughout his childhood and early adulthood, and wondered if personal wellbeing was an acceptable topic of formal discussion. It didn't seem like a pleasantry that two royals could discuss in plain sight. And yet, the prince, Jean, he hadn't hesitated. Was he not well-versed in the art of pretending and falsity? Or was he so well-versed that he could openly challenge the rules of proper communication.

Either way, he had asked about Levi's feelings on the matter, and he wasn't the type to discuss feelings with people he knew, let alone strangers. However, there was a certain sympathy in his tone, and the prince couldn't disregard that. It was... soothing to hear sympathy from someone who actually seemed to mean it.

"Perfectly fine, Prince Kirschtein," he shook his head, attempting to keep his face impassive, but the lie itself was terrible and his lips twitched downward anyway. "Just slightly bothered with all of this," he waved to the crowd derisively. "However, please do not let my unfortunately sour mood dampen your spirits. I encourage you to help yourself to some of our chef's wonderful cuisine, and enjoy your evening nonetheless. The royalty of Trost will always be welcome in Stohess."
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Messages : 138
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 21:11

Ayant réussi à subtiliser d’autres verres pendant que Mikasa se faisait aborder par d’autres invités, Eren s’était dépêcher de les boire avant que sa femme ne remarque ses cachoteries. C’était un bal, après tout. Ils étaient là pour socialiser, mais aussi pour profiter des mets offerts et de l’alcool qui coulait à flot. Les joues rougis par la boisson, Eren afficha un grand sourire innocent à sa femme qui leva les yeux au ciel un moment. Elle lui ferait comprendre son insatisfaction face à son geste lorsqu’ils ne seraient plus en public ainsi. Contrairement à ce que semblait croire son mari, Mikasa n’était pas dupe. Lorsqu’Eren voulu avancer vers elle pour la sortir du groupe de femmes potineuses, il se rendit compte qu’il avait bu quelques verres de trop, mais tenta de marcher convenablement quand même. Il s’excusa auprès de ceux qui avait monopolisé Mikasa, et attira celle-ci hors du groupe, sachant pertinemment qu’elle n’y verrait aucune objection.

Eren tenta de lui faire la conversation, alors qu’ils traversaient la pièce pour aller remercier l’hôte royal, mais celle-ci lui réservait le traitement de silence. Il fit une moue boudeuse, mais ne conserva pas longtemps cet air, ayant bu trop rapidement et n’étant pas assez sobre pour rester sérieux. Il refusait de l’avouer, mais sans Mikasa à son bras qui soutenait subtilement son poids, Eren aurait surement plus de difficulté à marcher. Heureusement que sa femme l’aimait beaucoup et qu’elle s’occupait bien de lui sinon il aurait déjà provoqué le prochain scandale de la soirée en agissant comme un bouffon.

S’avançant vers le trône, Eren s’inclina maladroitement après avoir lancer un grand sourire à Jean en ricanant. Il fut aussitôt imité par sa femme qui posa ses paumes l’une contre l’autre en penchant le haut de son corps. Cela faisait maintenant deux ans que Mikasa était mariée à Eren et encore aujourd’hui, certains nobles levait le nez en voyant Mikasa s’incliner de cette manière. De son côté, Eren s’en fichait bien, respectant grandement sa femme. Il en ressentait même une certaine fierté, voyant les regards envieux de beaucoup d’entre ses connaissances et la jalousie dans le regard des autres femmes. Bon… c’était ce que Jean lui avait fait remarquer, Eren étant trop tête en l’air pour remarquer cela lui-même.

«Votre demeure est simplement splendide et cette soirée est un véritable succès, votre grandeur.» commença Eren en s’adressant au prince avant d’avoir un petit rictus. «Je veux dire, votre alt-…. Majesté.» essaya de terminer Eren sans y parvenir, les lèvres pincées pour ne pas rire en fixant le prince. Avant qu’il ne puisse se mettre encore plus dans le pétrin, Mikasa s’avança avec grâce et pris la parole pour Eren.

«Votre majesté, mon époux et moi-même tenions personnellement à vous remercier de l’invitation. Veuillez excuser son comportement, il ne tient que difficilement l’alcool, mon seigneur.» expliqua Mikasa avec un accent prononcé voulant réparer les pots cassés. Étant persuadé que c’était faux et qu’il savait boire, Eren voulu ouvrir la bouche, mais un simple regard de la part de Mikasa lui fit comprendre qu’il était mieux de se taire s’il ne voulait pas qu’on lui coupe la tête.
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 21:25

Jean was about to answer, but was cut short when he saw his best friend take his place next to him followed by his wife. Being anyone else, Jean would have wanted the person's head for cutting him like that, but it was Eren, and although the prince was still annoyed at the situation, he let it go.

He then cringed and tried to hold his laughter himself when the brunette started making obvious jokes about the prince of Stohess' height. He managed to hold in his amusement very well, unlike earlier. When Mikasa talked, Jean mentally thanked her. He would have liked to help his friend, but he did not know what to answer at this exact moment. Yet, the Orient woman's intervention surprised him. He only heard her talk on rare occasions, but when she did, it was always to help her husband, as Eren always managed to get himself in trouble.

"Son of Marquess Von Jaeger, Eren Jaeger, and his wife, Mikasa..." Jean introduced before the announcer even managed to recall their names. "Eren is a good friend of mine, forgive his insolence."
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 21:55

Great, the only thing he needed more was to have a complete idiot interrupt what was quickly becoming a less-than-usual-but-still-dull conversation with the other royal, and Levi was severely unimpressed. He considered asking who the man was, but held his tongue. It started out amusingly as the brunet made a complete fool of himself, but then his wife stepped in, and suddenly, everything was less amusing entirely.

"Yes, very glad to meet you," Levi nodded to the marquess without a single trace of conviction in his tone. "I am also glad that you seem to have made yourself at home at our banquet table." A quip, and hopefully the man was tipsy enough not to realize that it was also making fun of him. Levi had to retort to the previous comments, after all. Nobody got away with pointing out his short stature. He was a man of speed and agility, and he had no shame in his less-than-stellar height. However, it did very much bother him that people thought it gave them the green light to mock him.

"However, I shall not hold you up any longer. Please, be our guest and enjoy your evening," he nodded and glared at the marquess with the clearly forceful invitation to leave. Then, he turned his gaze to Jean, and it may or may not have softened a notch. To him, he nodded with some form of respect. "And you as well. Your are always welcome here."
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 22:14

Jean interiorily cringed. He felt the other prince was extremely annoyed at Eren's behaviour and although it wasn't his fault at all, Jean still sort of took responsibility as it was his friend and belonged in his kingdom, so he felt slightly guilty.

"Thank you. It is much appreciated," he smiled once more and then thought of something weird. "Prince Levi, I was wondering if you would like to come this way in my presence to perhaps discuss business?"

So Jean figured that... Well first, he did HAVE to talk about business with the other royal, but he also figured that getting away with the prince from the crowd, would make him escape the women more easily, and also, he just couldn't take how much irritated and bored the prince of Stohess looked. Sure Eren hadn't helped just now, but still.
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Messages : 138
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 22:27

Eren afficha un sourire honnête en entendant Levi, ne voyant pas que l’autre se moquait (ce qui était sans doute pour le mieux). Il se tint droit devant l’autre homme, ne sentant pas le regard de sa femme et de son meilleur ami sur lui qui comptait sur Eren pour ne pas dire plus de bêtises.

«Monseigneur, rien ne vous échappe!» déclara le jeune homme sous l’effet de l’alcool avec une joie inappropriée et non dissimulée. Il entendit Mikasa soupirer discrètement, découragée, mais elle ne fit aucun commentaire. Haussant les épaules, Eren continuait de sourire au fils du roi de Stohess sans remarquer le regard haineux en sa direction. «Nous vous souhaitons une agréable soirée, votre Majesté!» lança Eren en s’inclinant de nouveau, aider légèrement par Mikasa.

Il fit demi-tour en lançant un regard agacé à Mikasa, lui murmurant qu’il était capable de marcher et de se tenir debout sans elle. Voulant lui prouver le contraire, elle le lacha sans prévenir et Eren ne fit que trois pas avant de s’enfarger dans ses propres jambes, se retenant juste à temps avant de tomber au sol. D’accord, elle avait raison, mais Eren refusait de l’admettre et continua d’avancer avec détermination, suivi de Mikasa, vers le fond de la pièce où il pourrait s’asseoir … et boire.
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 22:49

Levi nodded at Jean and sighed at the marquess' appalling behaviour instead. He was the exact embodiment of the nobles he could not stand in his kingdom; the drunkards, the arrogant fools who see nothing beyond their own noses, and of course, the falsely familiar ones who thought it was their right to quip with him.

And then he realized what the prince had said, and his eyes snapped right back to his.

"You wish to discuss?" he asked, not sure if he'd heard right. "Right now? And miss the festivities?" He certainly wouldn't miss them if he left, that's for certain. But when he looked at the prince -Jean- he realized that he was serious, and, well... perhaps the human part of him pushed aside the princely in order to save him from a thousand headaches later on. "Well... I suppose, then."

Turning to his mother and father, he bowed before them and nodded his signal.

"I will be taking my leave to consort with Sir Jean Kirschtein, Prince of the kingdom Trost. I shall return in time for the toast," he informed them, and bowed again before backing up. Once he reached Jean's side, he whipped around, his long, silken cape flapping elegantly behind me. Passing by him, he hissed. "Come. Walk with me."
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 23:17

Jean watched Eren and Mikasa take their leave and he couldn't help, but have a little amused smile plastered on his face. So sure, he was making him look like a fool, but it was Eren who looked foolish, not himself.

He then turned his head back to the prince to await his answer. His eyebrows shot up. He was surprised the other even agreed. He quickly bowed to the king and queen and joined the other's side.

He walked next to him, careful to take his distance, as they were not so familiar, and followed his steps a little awkwardly.

"You seemed so bored, I had to "save" you..." he whispered and laughed a bit. "I know the pain of having to sit through a whole event like this."
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Dim 19 Jan - 23:47

Levi yet again parted the sea of red capes and shining jewellery as he swept by, the guests hushing as his majestic stride carried him across the ballroom, to the gates from which he'd come. The other prince was following his stride squarely, and Levi was glad that he did not shuffle. He couldn't stand shuffling nobles. When he exited, his governess, who was chatting with a guard at the door, stood to accompany him, but a sweep of his hand stopped her in her tracks. She regarded him and hi companion curiously, and then grinned widely, as if she knew something they didn't. Levi was suspicious, but she nodded to him and left them alone, and for that, he was grateful.

"I feel that events like these are hardly necessary and are an extravagant display of wealth. I could hardly breathe in there," he let himself complain, and then suddenly stopped right in his track, whipping around. He looked at the prince warily, and then cocked his head. "And I suppose you did not hear me when I asked you to walk with me, and not behind me," he joked, not a trace of his amusement visible on his face. "Come now, Sir Kirschtein. You are an esteemed guest of the castle of Stohess, and I will not have you walking behind me like a servant." His eyes went to the glass door through which moonlight was shining bright. "Let us go outside for some air. I am happy to inform you that nobody will bother us there."
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Lun 20 Jan - 0:25

"I could not breathe either! And what I am wearing is not helping the case!" he joked around to try to ease the atmosphere as he felt the other was a little too serious for him. "A-and well, I did not know your preference and thought you would have been more satisfied if I take my distances, but alright. I will fix this in the future," he smiled slightly.

To be honest, he was slightly intimidated by the other. He didn't exactly know how to act around him and prince Levi gave a vibe of "don't fuck with me or you'll regret it."

As they finally stepped outside, Jean greatly enjoyed the small breeze and the fresh air. The prince of Stohess was right; He was suffocating inside.

"Good. You were lucky to be sitting on that throne. Sure it is troublesome to hear everyone of the kingdom say none sense and stare at imbeciles around the room, but standing in the room, surrounded by those imbeciles... And let me tell you, the girls in your kingdom are far more ferocious than in mine," he finished with a small laugh.
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Lun 20 Jan - 0:49

Levi snorted, the least he could do to cover up his snicker, and then coughed into his fist to hide his face until he could melt his smirk back into impassiveness. There would be no emotion to show, especially not to a stranger, friendly as he may be.

"Yes, I fear I must agree. You mustn't ever meet the King's Ward, then, the Lady Hanji Zoe. Madam is a very esteemed member of the Court and a fair woman, but she is a handful, and oftentimes, it is better not to ask her what she is up to. Unless, of course, you would like to have your ear chatted off." He rolled his eyes. "But it is most unfair of me to speak ill of Milady when she is not around to fight me about it."

He led them out to the courtyard, his heel clicking on the cobblestone of the passage that circled the courtyard. Nobody was around, the drawbridge closed to citizens, and all guests inside for the ball, and so the silence settled in the gaps in their conversation.

"I must ask you how your journey to Stohess has been, Milord. No trouble, I hope." He started again with the pleasantries. "The roads are not safe these days, and though we try every day to make this kingdom a better place, the Endless War has changed many people in ways that cannot be undone." His words were regretful, and his eyes, solemn.
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Messages : 96
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Trost district

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Ven 24 Jan - 2:19

Jean felt relieved when he heard the other snort. Sure it wasn't what he'd hoped for, but it was better than what'd he expected. The tension was going down a bit for him... Just a bit. He listened to the other talk about that crazy lady and it made the prince hope he would never have to be stuck with her alone.

Outside, the weather was just right. It had a warm breeze and the silence was just right. Jean could swear his head could have exploded in there. No air seemed to circulate and people were so loud. Although he was enjoying the silence, the fact the other spoke wasn't bad either. He personally did not really know what to say. He wasn't used to quiet people like prince Levi. He was used to listeners, that's for sure, as he babbled a lot, but this time it was different. He felt like he actually had to impress the prince of Stohess. His father's pressure wasn't helping either.

"Oh no trouble. It was not too long of a trip either. I can handle three whole days," he gave a little smile, and then noticed the other's expression. He coughed, a little awkward, and tried his best: "I understand war brought upon our kingdoms a lot of pain, but we can finally rejoice that it is over. I assume we can make it work so it would not happen again, am I wrong?" He brought his hand forward for the other to shake it, still forcing a warm smile.
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Lance Corporal Levi

Lance Corporal Levi

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : Nowhere you can find me at will.

Fairytale Endings Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fairytale Endings   Fairytale Endings Icon_minitime1Lun 27 Jan - 16:48

Levi took a few more steps before realizing that he had been asked a genuine question, and stopped to turn to his guest. If he moved his head a few inches to the right, into the path of some falling moonlight, there would be something akin to curious surprise glinting in his eyes. He looked down at the man's proffered hand and then back up to his inviting expression, and then, without much hesitation, took his hand to shake it. The contact sparked static at his fingertips and he flinched almost unnoticeably, but as soon as the acceptable time for a handshake was elapsed, he immediately let go and nodded awkwardly.

"Yes, of course," he coughed. "It is our solemn duty to make sure that peace is upheld within the kingdoms and that the people never again find themselves in times as dark as the Endless War. I, as Crown Prince of Stohess, would be very interested in discussing a potential alliance between our countries, even though we are a continent apart. My father is King and he will be the one to ultimately decide the immediate fate of this nation's relations with others, but I hold hope for the future, that we will be able to become great allies, in good times and bad."

His eyes went to the statue in the middle of the courtyard, a bronze figure of the very first king of Stohess reared valiantly on his horse, holding up a sword to march into an army. One day, he would also be King, and he did not have time to 'enjoy' his youth as so many recommended him to do. There was so much to learn, so many disciplines in which to train, such treaties to sign... It was mind-boggling. Levi did not like the idea of having a Queen, but he acknowledged that ruling a kingdom alone would be hard. Not impossible, but rather close. He needed a consort, at the very least, and a trophy wife to appease the people and nobility.

Sometimes he wished he had never been born of blue blood.
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