Shingeki no Kyojin RP
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 Peer Pressure (100/100 )

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Mikasa Ackerman_
Mikasa Ackerman_

Messages : 68
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2013

Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Peer Pressure (100/100 )   Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 12 Nov - 23:19

She was completely out of breath and flustered, his skilled hands had wrecked her and she was left a quivering mess on his bed. Her limbs outstretched and her hand working furiously on his erection, desperate to give him the same pleasure he was bestowing on her, she wanted them to fall over the edge together. As his finger prodded her entrance and entered her in one slow movement she felt herself wince momentarily until more rough and yet gentle fingers spread over her and made her heart beat accelerate, her breathe coming out in hurried gasps.

He was slick and warm in her hand as her enclosed fist repeatedly moved over him, she felt like he was losing himself too. A soft smile played on her lips through the moans that spilled forth; she was making him feel good too. The heat and excitement was building up to new levels and she arched her body forth into his skilled hands, her back curved like a bow and her feet scrambling on the bed as she continually jerked and thrust forward. She felt close, so close, her cheeks were on fire and her eyes were squeezed shut, she had a hard time focusing it was all becoming a delightful blur, until Eren stopped it all. He gripped her wrist firmly and stopped her erratic movements on his own arousal and removing his own fingers from her. Mikasa felt a definite sensation of loss and frustration she a frown was working its way onto her normally placid features but that was before she saw Eren’s incredibly arousing blush. Her anger had flown out the window when he hid his embarrassment in the crook of her neck.

At this point the raven haired woman only wanted to smoother him with affection but before she could embark on her self-proclaimed task he moved once again this time staring deep into her eyes with a resolution she had scarcely seen in him. She was deeply moved and she felt like she couldn’t possibly love this man any more than she already did but here he was, with his lust filled gaze drinking her in and pouring her out, proving her wrong. As he aligned his arousal with her own she smiled, genuinely and truly smiled for what felt like the first time in years. An overflowing amount of happiness poured into her and she was bursting with it, filled to the brim and yet needing more.

Mikasa wrapped her arms around his neck as she slid her arms to coil them around his waist, spreading herself before him, for him. She knew it would hurt, knew that there was bound to be pain but she also knew that nothing would make her happier than to share this moment right now with Eren. One of her hands slid from around his neck and adoringly caressed his cheek; she leaned forward and gave him a chaste kiss. The young woman didn’t answer his question she simply gazed into the endless pools of green and blue, a beautiful mix, while she used her legs to push his hips forward. As his cock breached her entrance she felt her breath hitch and her body shudder, it hurt, it hurt a lot and the stretch burned but she bit her lip and pushed him further in still. She pushed him until he was completely inside and she could feel the throbbing aching pain and yet the sweet satisfaction of being connected with Eren. Mikasa was breathless and her body buzzed with pain and pleasure but she found the strength to let him know how she felt.

“Eren…Eren” her fingers still caressed his cheeks as if they were mapping out a treasure “I love you”
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Messages : 138
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26

Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Peer Pressure (100/100 )   Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Dim 17 Nov - 0:02

Eren laissa s’échapper un long râlement lorsque son membre pénétra l’intimité de sa partenaire. Il n’eut même pas le réflexe de se retenir au cas où d’autres les entendraient, pour l’instant tout ce qui comptait c’était eux deux et les sensations qui envahissaient tout son être. Eren ne se rappelait pas d’un seul moment où il avait ressenti un bien-être aussi intense, son membre plus dur que jamais réagissant à ce nouvel environnement. Rien ne pouvait se comparer à cette sensation où leur deux corps ne faisait plus qu’un et Eren se trouvait maintenant au septième ciel, son plaisir augmentant toujours plus jusqu’à ce que son membre soit complètement ancré en Mikasa.
Il dut redescendre de son nuage rapidement, réalisant entrouvrant les yeux légèrement que Mikasa n’appréciait peut-être pas autant que lui en ce moment. Une vague de culpabilité l’envahit, alors qu’il souhaitait absolument qu’elle puisse ressentir autant de plaisir qu’il n’en avait en ce moment. Eren se dit que ce ne devait pas être si pire lorsqu’elle lui avoua son amour pour lui après l’avoir attirer en elle presque sans broncher. Eren se força pour réfléchir, chose très difficile étant bien stimulé, et docilement, il plaça des petits baisers partout sur le visage de sa bien-aimée voulant la détendre le plus possible. Il se dit qu’il allait attendre qu’elle soit détendue pour continuer, même si ce n’était pas l’envie qui manquait. C’était pratiquement impossible de résister tant le plaisir procurer par cette union charnelle était envoutante.
Après qu’elle lui ait dit qu’elle l’aimait, Eren attendit qu’elle ouvre les yeux pour le regarder, alors qu’il lui lançait un sourire espiègle et les yeux trahissant son désir. « Je t’adore aussi Mikasa. » commença Eren en embrassant langoureusement Mikasa entre deux mots. «Plus que tu ne peux te l’imaginer.» Aussitôt sa phrase terminée, Eren recula son bassin avec lenteur, tremblotant légèrement tant il souhaitait que ses gestes deviennent plus demandant. Il ne quittait pas le visage de Mikasa des yeux, attendant un signe que la jeune femme était prête à continuer. Lorsqu’il comprit qu’elle était prête, Eren appuya ses lèvres contre celles de la japonaise et l’embrassa avec tendresse, alors qu’il entrait à nouveau complètement à l’intérieur légèrement plus rapidement qu’au début, les muscles de ses fesses se contractant à chaque mouvement de bassin.
Dès qu'Eren commença ses mouvements plus réguliers, pénétrant Mikasa avec autant de délicatesse que possible pour qu’elle profite de leur moment intime elle aussi malgré l’évidente douleur qu’elle devait ressentir, le jeune homme perdit complètement la tête. À partir de maintenant les seuls pensées qui pourraient occuper son esprit seraient concernant son membre et à quel point il se sentait infiniment bien. Plus aucune parole compréhensible ne s’échappait de sa bouche alors qu’il gémissait, cachant son visage dans l’oreiller lorsqu’il n’était pas en train d’embrasser Mikasa. Le visage complètement rouge, Eren releva le haut de son corps et saisit les hanches de Mikasa pour mieux orienter ses coups de bassins et avoir une pleine vue sur le corps de la jeune femme si angélique et tellement aguichante. «M-Mikasa…»
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Mikasa Ackerman_
Mikasa Ackerman_

Messages : 68
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2013

Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Peer Pressure (100/100 )   Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Ven 29 Nov - 2:03

It hurt and felt slightly sore at first, she felt too full to fast but she bore through the discomfort, so as long as Eren was happy. She breathed in and out calmly trying to relax her body as it was strung like a bow, completely tensed up and ready to snap at any moment. Her rigid body trembled slightly and she gasped in quick huffs of air desperate to calm her accelerating heartbeat and the intrusive pain in her nether regions. She sends a watery smile toward Eren hoping to reassure him but the whole pretense falls apart when a tear slips past her eye. She closes her eyes and holds in her tears evening out her breath and this time when she looks up at Eren there is no pain twisting her smile into a grimace. She sighs softly as his plush lips pepper kisses on her skin and she feels so light despite being pressed down and filled up. She was defying gravity in this very moment living the dreamed she had dreamed oh so many times.

It was a whole new sensation to the young woman; being connected so intimately with the man she had admired and pursued all these years. As she got used to the feeling of having something stretching her she felt herself loosen up and accommodate to Eren’s grith. She let out a quiet pained moan when Eren began to rut his hips against her sliding in and out at such a slow pace; it was torturing her. His words were like honey as they sweetened her and soothed her. Her cheeks burn with embarrassment and an overwhelming burst of love. She smiled sweetly and became pliant in their intimate embrace, completely open to him. As he begins to thrust at a steady slow pace she can feel that tantalizing pleasure soar within her once more. It comes back gradually chasing away the ache between her legs to be replaced, with each upward thrust, by a succulent pleasure that made her toes curl and her hands lose their purchase from Eren’s cheeks to grip the sheets tightly.

She bites her lip to keep quiet desperately trying to hold in the barricade of moans that want to spill forth from her lips as Eren drives into her with a force and determination she had never witnessed before. His hot breath fanned on her neck and heated her skin making everything hazier and her mind fall out of reality. All she could focus on were the delicious sounds pouring out of Eren’s mouth, especially when he called out her name that made something in her spark and heighten her pleasure, and the weight of his cock as it slammed into her repeatedly. Their mouths often melded in a passionate dance as they lost themselves in the intoxicating throes of passion.

It’s escalating and she feels…she feels like she needs more and she’s steadily burning with this need suddenly she grips Eren by the shoulders pulling him down and whispering fervently.

“Eren…ngh..Eren! Eren y-you can go ah! Faster!”
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Messages : 138
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2013
Age : 26

Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Peer Pressure (100/100 )   Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Jeu 9 Jan - 16:16

Eren semblait déconnecté de la réalité depuis qu’il avait commencé ses mouvements plus réguliers. Tout semblait si irréel, alors qu’il frissonnait de plaisir avec toute cette friction. Avoir su que c’était aussi plaisant, Eren y aurait pensé à deux fois avant de repousser Mikasa. Voilà pourquoi Jean rôdait autour de son amie d’enfance, ce pervers. Pauvre Kirschtein qui ignorait ce qu’il ratait en ce moment. Il ne la méritait pas de toute façon. Eren ne pouvait que se réjouir de sa propre chance à l’instant. Son corps bouillonnant d’excitation, la jeune recrue s’avançait lentement en la jeune femme, ne sachant pas s’il tiendrait bien longtemps avec un tel rythme. Le manque d’expérience en la matière rendait son propre corps bien difficile à contrôler, surtout avec Mikasa qui semblait s’attendre à ce qu’il performe autant alors qu’il n’avait aucune idée de ce qu’il faisait en réalité.

Lorsque Mikasa lui expliqua qu’il pouvait augmenter la cadence, l’autre se sentit prit au dépourvu. Il ne croyait pas pouvoir se retenir si ses mouvements devenaient plus rapides. Il se recula et s’éloigna un moment, se redressant à genou devant elle et inclina la tête en reprenant son souffle. Ne pensant pas à la sueur qui perlait son front, la respiration saccadée, Eren s’étendit à côté de Mikasa qui ne semblait pas comprendre ses intentions pendant un moment. Il refusait de lui dire qu’il devait se calmer sinon leur activité se terminerait beaucoup trop tôt. Se retournant sur le côté, Eren agrippa les hanches de Mikasa et roula pour se retrouver sur le dos, elle étendu par-dessus lui. Ainsi, dans cette nouvelle position, lorsque Mikasa aurait compris ses intentions, celle-ci pourrait décider de son propre rythme et Eren aurait peut-être plus de concentration pour se retenir… peut-être…

«Et si tu me guidais… Mikasa…» murmura Eren entre deux inspirations, le souffle coupé. Gardant ses mains bien placées sur les hanches de sa partenaire, Eren lui donna de longs baisers pour l’encourager à suivre son plan, voulant qu’elle soit aussi à l’aise qu’il ne l’était. Il la regarda se redresser et s’installer sur lui et comprit immédiatement qu’il était foutu. De sa position horizontale, il avait une pleine vue sur le regard de la jeune femme qui s’offrait à lui ainsi. Son corps se dressait fièrement sur le sien, alors qu’elle s’enlignait ne voulant faire plus qu’un avec lui à nouveau. Subjugué par cette vision paradisiaque, Eren tendit machinalement les mains vers les deux monts qui se dressaient fièrement sur son torse. Il caressa la peau douce et fragile si peu souvent exposée au monde, complètement captivé par cette vision. Mais ce n’est que lorsque Mikasa se laissa glisser, engouffrant son membre entier, qu’il perdit complètement les pédales. S’il avait voulu un moyen de se calmer, franchement, c’était la pire idée qu’il n’avait jamais pu avoir. De voir son membre entrer et disparaître dans celui de la jeune avait quelque chose d’érotique, d’irrésistible. Vraiment… une vision qu’Eren n’aurait jamais cru admirer un jour. Descendant ses mains sur ses cuisses en caressant sa peau, Eren su qu’il était au bout du rouleau. C’était trop de sensations si intenses en même temps pour son pauvre petit corps inexpérimenté et inexploré jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Criant le nom de Mikasa, oubliant que son geste était inapproprié pour l’endroit, Eren éjacula les yeux mi-clos, se laissant emporter par le plaisir. Il aurait dû prévenir l’autre évidemment, mais son cerveau n’était plus exactement fonctionnel à cet instant alors qu’un flot de plaisir se déversait de son membre se calmant lentement. Restant étendu sur le dos, plus essoufflé qu’après les pires entrainements du camp, Eren regarda le plafond perdu et rassasié à la fois.

«Mikasa…» fut tout ce qu’Eren parvint à murmurer, sur son petit nuage pendant l’euphorie du moment.
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Mikasa Ackerman_
Mikasa Ackerman_

Messages : 68
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2013

Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Peer Pressure (100/100 )   Peer Pressure (100/100 ) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Ven 17 Jan - 1:34

She had been absorbed in the rhythm of his hips sliding against her lower half, the heat making her dizzy and desperate for more. His sweat slicked skin moving against her own and making her melt in the pleasure, her moans escaped without her notice, her eyes shut tight and her legs spread wide for him, pushing off the sheets, as she lifted herself up to match his thrusts. She felt so full of him, so deliciously stretched by his throbbing warmth. Her request had sent her heart into a frenzy and her face was blazing with pleasure and embarrassment but she could no longer deny her body’s needs, she wanted it, wanted it deeper and faster until every part of her body was numbed by pure ecstasy.

She felt him shift above her, his knees sliding beneath her body as he caught his breath, the change in position making her arch in pleasure as it hit deeper within her. Mikasa was desperate for him to move, close enough to resort to begging him, instead she moved her hips in slow circles making his member move inside of her in a very satisfactory manner, and still it wasn’t enough. When his body flopped down over hers, with him still inside of her, she felt a growl build within her throat but before she could demand that he please just please move, he had grabbed her and twisted their positions around.

Mikasa whimpered as the position had caused his heated length to slip out of her moist center. But when their mouths melded in soft kisses, her tongue sliding against his in a sensual and erotic dance she gave in and sat back taking his slick, warm shaft in her grip. She slid down onto him once again and keened, as his large hands gripped her breasts and massaged the soft skin, and the new position made his shaft slide into her, at an angle that made her whole body shudder with desire.

Though she felt vulnerable in this new position, after all, he could see her whole body perched atop him now; her mind was fogged with her aching needs. Her moans came out in gasped breaths and elongated pants as she steadily increased her rhythm, his warm, hard flesh against her inner walls, driving her mad. She could feel his gaze fixated on her form as she bounced up and down on his lap, biting her lip as his gaze flared a spike of excitement within her. She was so close, so close she could feel her peak rising as her body practically vibrated with pleasure. Mikasa reached down between their joined bodies her fingers finding that nub of pleasure and as she canted her hips down rapidly her fingers massaged it frantically, her whole positively buzzed.

She gasped and withered as he came, her body still jolting with spikes of ecstasy and she felt herself reach her orgasm, as his cum dribbled inside of her, her walls constricting around his softening member. Spent and still high on her pleasure, she collapsed on his firm chest and exhaled in long winded breaths. The raven haired beauty felt sated and blessed to be with the man she had always loved and to bask in the warmth of her afterglow in his arms. She certainly felt content when her name escaped his lips, glad that she had been able to give him such wonderful pleasure. Her fingers traced random patterns on his chest and her lips small kisses on his neck until she reached his ears, her voice breathy.

“Eren…I love you, so much.”
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